Joliet Tree Service

Tree care

Preventive Tree Care to Avoid the Need for Removal

Trees are vital to the ecology because they provide shade, aesthetic appeal, and a habitat for wildlife. They also improve air quality, conserve water, and enhance property values. However, trees can also become liabilities if not properly maintained. Preventive tree care is crucial to ensure their health and longevity, ultimately avoiding the need for removal. This blog article will discuss safeguarding and caring for your trees, what specific actions are necessary, and offer seven keys to preventive tree care to keep your trees healthy all year.

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What Should We Do for the Tree?

Caring for trees involves a mix of immediate actions and long-term strategies:

Immediate Actions:

  • Watering: Ensure that plants receive consistent moisture. For deep root development, water is deep yet sparingly. Early morning is the best time to water, reducing evaporation and giving plants time to absorb moisture before the day’s heat.
  • Mulching: Apply a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch around plants. Mulch inhibits the growth of weeds, controls soil temperature, and helps keep soil wet. Examples of good mulch materials include straw, wood chips, and compost.
  • Inspecting Regularly: Conduct weekly inspections of your plants to catch any early signs of stress, disease, or pest infestations. Look for discolored leaves, holes in foliage, and unusual plant behavior. Early identification can stop little problems from growing into severe issues.

Long-term Strategies:

  • Establishing a Routine Pruning Schedule: Regular pruning helps maintain plant health by removing dead or diseased wood, promoting better air circulation, and encouraging new growth. Different plants have different pruning demands; therefore, find out what particular conditions each plant in your yard needs.
  • Enriching the Soil with Organic Matter: Add organic materials like old manure, compost, or green manure crops to improve soil structure, fertility, and water-holding capacity. This should be done annually or bi-annually to ensure soil remains nutrient-rich and well-draining.
  • Using Preventative Treatments Against Pests and Diseases: Implement integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, including using beneficial insects, selecting disease-resistant plant varieties, and applying natural or organic treatments when necessary. Regularly rotating crops and maintaining garden hygiene can also reduce the prevalence of pests and diseases.

7 Keys to Preventive Tree Care to Avoid the Need for Removal

  1. Regular Health Assessments: Engage a certified arborist to perform annual health checks. Early detection of issues like disease or structural weaknesses can prevent major problems.
  2. Proper Pruning Techniques: Use correct pruning methods to remove dead or weak branches. An improper trimming job might damage the tree and result in potential removal.
  3. Adequate Watering: Trees need consistent watering, especially during dry spells. Use a soaker hose to ensure deep root watering rather than shallow, frequent sprinkling.
  4. Mulching: Apply a 2-4 inch mulch around the Tree’s base, but keep it away from the trunk to prevent rot. Mulch helps retain soil moisture and provides nutrients as it decomposes.
  5. Soil Management: Test soil regularly and adjust pH and nutrient levels as needed. Healthy soil promotes strong root systems and overall tree health.
  6. Pest and Disease Control: Watch for signs of pests and diseases. Early intervention can prevent widespread damage. Use environmentally friendly treatments when possible.
  7. Avoid Physical Damage: Protect trees from physical damage caused by lawnmowers, construction, or heavy machinery. Installing protective barriers can help.

Tips for Healthy Trees All Year Long

  • Winter: Protect young trees from frost damage with tree wraps and ensure they are well-watered before the ground freezes.
  • Spring: Conduct thorough inspections for winter damage and begin fertilizing and pruning.
  • Summer: Maintain consistent watering, especially during dry periods, and observe any indications of heat exhaustion or pests.
  • Fall: Rake fallen leaves to prevent disease and mulch to prepare trees for winter.


Investing in preventive tree care is a wise decision for the health of your trees and the beauty of your landscape. By being proactive and adhering to these rules, you can ensure your trees remain strong and vibrant, reducing the risk of having to remove them. Healthy trees enhance your property and contribute significantly to the environment. Make preventive Tree care a priority and enjoy the numerous benefits of having healthy, thriving trees all year.


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