Joliet Tree Service

06 - trees under rain

Is It Bad For Trees When It Rains?

To thrive, trees require water in any form they may obtain it. While the Florida rainy season might offer your trees with enough water to stay healthy, it can also cause various issues if there is too much of it. In addition to creating the kind of fungal illnesses that flourish in damp environments, oversaturated soil can impair root systems. Your trees’ vitality and attractiveness could be negatively impacted by these. In addition, gusty gusts during the rainy season might bring down trees and branches.

Lesions, fissures, and exposed roots are just few of the warning signals that you should look out for in trees after a heavy downpour. Hiring a tree service will also assist guarantee the health of your trees. Read on to find out how your trees will fare during the wet months.

Trees Can Drown from Too Much Rain

Oversaturation of the soil with rainwater is harmful to trees, especially if it rains continuously and heavily. When there is an excess of water in the soil, it can cause the roots of a tree to suffocate because they are unable to take in enough oxygen. The tree can deplete its oxygen supply within a few hours if its pores are filled with water. Several days at most are left before the root starts to decay.

Thankfully, the sandy soil in Florida aids drainage. However, you should still stay off the grass after a rainstorm so you don’t further compact the soil and kill your trees.

Waterlogged Soil Can Loosen Tree Roots

When the ground becomes saturated with water, the tree’s roots become weakened. The tree’s roots weaken with time, making it more likely that it would topple in a storm and cause extensive damage. Your tree’s look and health will suffer as a result of numerous diseases and infections if you neglect to strengthen its roots.

If you want to know how robust and healthy your trees are, hiring professionals is a good option. You may also take the proper tree care steps to prepare your trees for forthcoming weather conditions with the help of an expert’s analysis.

Mold & Fungi Spread Rapidly in Damp Environments

Fungi require a moist and humid environment in which to grow. Too much water can weaken a tree’s roots, making it less able to resist pests and illnesses. Wet-loving fungi include, but are not limited to:

Dry, Powdery Mold

Look for a powdery growth on the leaves and stems and get rid of it if you find it. Powdery mildew growth can cause wrinkling on some leaves.


Anthracnose is a fungal disease that causes leaf spots and leaf curling on plants.

Symptoms of Root Rot

Brown or reddish roots are the most obvious sign of root rot, which is caused by a number of fungi that flourish in damp environments. Discoloration of the leaves is an indication that root rot may have progressed.

Winds Can Topple Weak Trees

When a tree’s roots are weakened by moist soil, the tree loses some of its stability. In the event of a storm with high winds, a tree that has been weakened in this way is more likely to topple down. If your tree were to fall, it would cause serious harm to anybody or anything in its path.

Hiring tree experts who can securely trim your tree’s branches is one approach to get your tree ready for a storm. Fallen tree limbs pose a risk of injury to passers-by and property damage if they break off and fall to the ground.

Need a Reputable Arborist Service? 

Joliet Tree Service is here to ensure your trees’ well-being during the wet months. All tree species can benefit from the expertise of our fully licensed and insured
tree care services. If you own property in Joliet or any of the surrounding locations of Illinois, we offer professional tree care services. Call us right now to set up a meeting if you’re looking for a trustworthy tree service.

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